My eighteen month old baby boy suffers from a chronic diaper rash. Dr. Smith's, the magic ointment that always did the trick for my older child didn't do a thing. We've been through tube after tube of the special prescription cream that our pediatrician has prescribed. It works a little bit, but not great and not for long. Supposedly, one of the best things you can do for diaper rash is to let them go au natural a lot to dry it out. We did that and still, that persistent rash. Finally, I knew we had to try something else. So, I called Dr. Park. He is an acupuncturist and wholistic doctor here in Dallas. He is the doctor who gave me the herbs to help me get pregnant and they worked! Anyway, he said he had something he thought would help the diaper rash. It's called Kold Sore. At $15 a bottle, I was at his office that morning with the cure. It's a miracle. My little guy's diaper rash is so much better--almost completely gone! It's all natural--drug free. Today, his office called to see how the baby was doing--yes, that's how wonderful these people are. I told them how I was amazed. They said that Kold Sore works on all kinds of skin irritations--cold sores (the name might give that one away), mouth ulcers, cuts, and scrapes, etc. I love it when a problem is finally solved! And just think how happy my baby is!
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